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2023-06-29 19:45:02弱视知识1

1. 关于近视的英语句子

Now the primary myopia rate rise sharply, many students have become "four-eyes flogs", in order to let students attention, I myopia pupils myopia, launched a probe conditions as follows:The pupils, high myopia rate 22.78% show ascendant trend. Take our class, I class has nearly half of them wear glasses. This is a terrible number!

2. 关于近视的英语短文

The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted at a

very young age. At present, about 70% of the students are shortsighted.

Here are some main causes.

Some students may not have enough sleep. Some students spend too

much time reading or doing their homework without a rest. Some students

even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time.

In order to have good eyesight, we should do eye exercises every

day. We can also try to do more sports in our spare time. We should have

the good habit of using our eyes.

I think all of us should understand the importance of protecting eyes and try our best to protect them.

3. 关于近视的英语句子有哪些

what color造句单数:

What color is your key? It's red.


What color is your moon? It's green.


What color is your eraser? It's pink.


What color is the car? It's blue.


What color is it, and what's it used for?


what color造句复数:

What color are my eyes and fur?


What color are your shoes? They are green and blue.


Mary, can I ask you something? What color are your post-it notes?


What color are you looking for?


Yeah, what color are my eyes?


4. 关于近视的英语句子摘抄

Watching too much Tv and spending much time on social media are bad for our eyesight. In order to have a good eyesight, we must develop a good habit which is beneficial to our eyes.

5. 关于近视眼的英语作文

The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted at a

very young age. At present, about 70% of the students are shortsighted.

Here are some main causes.

Some students may not have enough sleep. Some students spend too

much time reading or doing their homework without a rest. Some students

even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time.

In order to have good eyesight, we should do eye exercises every

day. We can also try to do more sports in our spare time. We should have

the good habit of using our eyes.

I think all of us should understand the importance of protecting eyes and try our best to protect them.

6. 关于近视的英语句子简短

vision →书面用词,含义广泛,指 人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓 识。

He is a man of great vision.


sight →普通用词,与eyesight同 义,可换用,指由实实在在的事物 引起的视觉。

Ill have my sight tested tomorrow.


7. 关于近视的单词


bottle是b开头六个字母组成,在英文中bottle.“是一个英语单词,通常指的是一种可以盛装液体的容器,通常是圆柱形或类似圆柱形的形状,有一个狭窄的口和一个可以盖子或塞子的开口。它可以是塑料、玻璃或金属制成的。例如,我们可以用一个水瓶(water bottle)来盛装水,或者用一个药瓶(medicine bottle)来盛装药品。


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